Attention all single mothers, if you have been wanting to improve yourself and your chances at a better future through a college education, but have been unable to do so because of tight financial situation, now's your chance. Several specialized scholarships for moms have been made available through the US Government. If you are in the situation where a college education would give both you and your child a brighter future but have been unable to do so, now's your chance. Best of all, the money that you get for school never has to be repaid!
Single Mother Grants
have been promulgated by the government due to increasing number of divorce in the United States. Obama’s grant is aimed at giving single mothers the opportunity to enhance themselves through education. All you have to do is to apply and submit the “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” to colleges that support such grant. Afterwards, a confirmation of your grant status is sent to you in the form of “Student Aid Report (SAR)”
Sometimes a single mother may find getting to and from a campus where classes are head a bit difficiult either due to travle time or maybe a lack of child care. While that may have been a problem in the past, many college's these days have several courses that can be done online, giving you the flexability to go through your school work when time permits. Or maybe when day courses are out of the question, afternoon or evning classes may be available once again working around your schedule so you don't miss out.
It is important, especially for mothers, to obtain a college degree or complete their education. More income and revenue can be generated when a person holds a degree. In order to have better lives, single mothers are given opportunity to improve their status so they could get good jobs. Obama’s program scholarships for moms and women who want to go back to school is a wonderful aid that you must grab for the sake of your child’s future. Help yourself and your country by being a responsible and educated mother and citizen.
Education on what to do before Driving Long Distance
15 years ago